Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Swami Pictures


I have come to answer all your questions.
All will be answered at the right time.
When the time is right, the event itself will be your answer.
Look at this window, it shows day as day and night as night.
If u pull down this blind down , you cannot make night day and day night.
So pull up that blind.
I have come to help you to do that.
I will show you day as day and night as night and accept it.
You work in the day time and sleep at night.
You cannot sleep in the day time and work at night.
Everything is done when the time is right.


The rose plant can be compared to life.
Full of thorns?
Roses are divine love.
Its beauty and fragrance are both divine.
Thorns are nothing but ego.
Look,even if one small enters your foot,
It hurts.
Ego hurts.Love does not.
Ego is not your true nature.
Be a gardener.
Cultivate your very own rose plant with love.
Pour pure water over it for it to grow.
When the roses bloom, offer all of them at My feet.
I will accept all that you give with true love.
It is our love for each other.
That connects you and Me.
Love is not to keep,but to give.
So give,give,give and take back loadfuls.